As Seen In
There Has Never Been a Better Time to Grow a Business
Sharing What You Know and Helping Others to Achieve Results
Here's the problem:
Most coaches, consultants, and other experts are going to miss out on the opportunity to build a leveraged business, leaving them to continue to struggle to find clients and grow their impact. Why?
The things that hold experts back:
  • ​Spending a ton of time creating the wrong offer – most offers are too broad and narrowing the content could make a huge difference
  • ​Choosing the wrong audience – the right audience is specific, has a problem you can help them solve, and will spend money to solve it
  • ​Focusing on the wrong things to grow the business – 90% of coaches, consultants, and other experts follow an Old School Business Model that is harder and no longer working as well as it used to
In this free book, we'll walk through how you can quickly make a big difference with your work.
Here's the problem:
Most coaches, consultants, and other experts are going to miss out on the opportunity to build a leveraged business, leaving them to continue to struggle to find clients and grow their impact. Why?
The things that hold experts back:
  • ​Spending a ton of time creating the wrong offer – most offers are too broad and narrowing the content could make a huge difference
  • ​Choosing the wrong audience – the right audience is specific, has a problem you can help them solve, and will spend money to solve it
  • ​Focusing on the wrong things to grow the business – 90% of coaches, consultants, and other experts follow an Old School Business Model that is harder and no longer working as well as it used to
In this free book, we'll walk through how you can quickly make a big difference with your work.

Here's a Peek Inside...
We are going to dive into over 170 pages that reveal the mindset, methods, and business models implemented by real experts like you who have built multi-6 and 7-figure businesses in my community.
We'll dive into questions like:
  • How can I find my clients online?
  • How can I stand out in all the online noise?
  • What should I offer, and how do I price it?
  • How can I sell my expertise to both individuals and bigger businesses?
  • How can I grow without being involved in every single thing?
  •  How do I find more committed clients to do deeper, higher investment work?
  • How I launched my first online course and generated $91k in revenue in 16 days starting with a puny little list of 150 people. This same course has now generated millions in revenue.
  • The 3 shifts you have to make now to build a fast-growing, profitable expert business.
  • How to stand out in all the online noise... and be THE choice in your niche.
  • The 2 questions you need to answer to pick the right audience that will invest in your offers.
  • The one thing you need to focus on to get high-ticket corporate clients and fill your online courses, coaching programs, and events.
The three mindset shifts we will walk 
through in this chapter are critical to becoming an expert who creates 
a massively successful business 
sharing what you know. 


The three mindset shifts we will walk through in this chapter are critical to becoming an expert who creates a massively successful business sharing what you know. 
We Will Walk Through the Expert Experience Method™ That You Can Use to Create Highly Successful Offers for Your Audience
Identify Your Sweet Spot
This is how you get clear on your point of difference that will help you stand out.
Choose the Right Audience
There are two questions you can ask to quickly identify the people who are looking for what YOU offer.
The Transformation is the Product
This is how you get clear on what your clients want (and how much content to include in your offers).
Structure Your Offers
You'll see how adding deeper level offers can double your revenue with the same amount of clients.
Decide on Pricing
When you decide on pricing, you are deciding on the type of business you will create. This is how to get clear on your value.
Automate to Scale
Choosing the right things to automate and putting systems in place from the start are how you quickly scale.
In the Book, You Will See All Kinds of Experts Building Successful Businesses
You'll see the behind-the-scenes business building blueprints of eight 6- and 7-figure "teaching others" businesses, including the sequence of their offers, audience niches, pricing, and more. 
Kim Moore
Hair Stylist + Educator + Beach-loving Rebel
Rebecca Branstetter
Psychologist + Educator + 
Christine Carr
Business Coach + Accelerator of Growth
Tracy Sher
Physical Therapist + Pelvic Pain Expert + Educator
Dr. Jackie Black
Psychologist + Marriage Educator + Board Certified Coach
Zaretta Hammond
Teacher Educator + Author + Activist
Nancy Hillis
Artist + Psychiatrist + Guide on The Hero's Journey
Maia Toll
Author + Women's Wisdom Mentor + Small Business Owner
How to Stand Out
In this chapter, we will dive into the first step in the Expert Experience Method™ which will help you get clear on your unique point of difference. This is how you can become the #1 thought leader in your niche.

"This book is the missing piece."
"This book is the missing piece. I worked for so long to find the right mix of inspiration and implementation that would help me create success on my own terms. Jeanine’s wisdom, wit, and guidance have helped me build a life of impact. I suggest you read with a highlighter."
– Amy Anderson, Emmy Award-winning writer, book editor, and creator of 
The Right Book Mastermind
"I realized I was holding myself back."
"I realized I was holding myself back. I applied what jeanine was teaching even though it was out of my comfort zone. In my last launch, we brought in $120,000."
– Kim Moore, Creator of Head Shape Matters™
How to Decide on What to Offer
The biggest problem that most experts face when trying to build a business around their expertise is having to constantly go out and find clients one by one. 

In this section of the book, we will walk through how you can snap together the business model that delivers the life you want to live and the business you want to lead.

How to Price Your Offers
Pricing is a strategic decision that affects every aspect of your business. In this chapter, we'll look at how you can price your offers so your clients value your expertise and so you reach your revenue goals.

How to Price Your Offers
Pricing is a strategic decision that affects every aspect of your business. In this chapter, we'll look at how you can price your offers so your clients value your expertise and so you reach your revenue goals.

Behind-the-Scenes of Expert Businesses Like Yours
With each feature, you'll see the behind-the-scenes of their business, including: 
  • ​Their story, how they started their business, and how they figured out what to offer
  •   How they chose the right audience and the right problem to solve
  • How they found their clients online
  • ​How they structure their offers and their pricing
"This will free you up to work in your zone of genius."
"The first time those first payment emails came, I was like, am I winning? Someone is paying me to do what I love? It was crazy. Then, when they kept coming in month after month, I really saw what Jeanine meant: This will free you up to work in your zone of genius."
– Rebecca Branstetter, Creator of The Thriving School Psychologist Collective™
"I was struck at the blend of simplicity and real value..."
"I was struck at the blend of simplicity and real value this book has. It offers clarity and focus. I see what I need to do to stand out even more and grow my business to the next level."
– Chris Montoya, Founder of Catalyst Workshops
The Expert Called YOU™ is the permission slip you have been waiting for to go all in on your dream of scaling the impact of your work in the world. 

This is the step-by-step method for turning what you know into a product that can help others, to expand beyond what you think is possible, and to make a big impact doing meaningful work in the world. 

"Finally, I could envision the big picture..."
"Finally, I could envision the big picture and see how to integrate and weave things together. We figured out what places in my business could overlap and support others, like using one piece to market the other piece. Now there are points of connection and ways to elegantly move people from one part to another."
– Maia Toll, Founder of Herbiary
"Helps me define a clear path to making an impact..."
"Since 2014, Jeanine’s "language of expertise" helps me define a clear path to making an impact and creating the freedom to live the life I've imagined. The Expert Experience Method™ helps me quickly see how to take all the coaching and training content I've developed over the last 18 years to a much larger audience."
– Jim Kelley, Director & Lead Explorer, ChangeWorks Institute for Self-Directed Change® 
"[My online course] has opened up experiences of connection with people all over the world."
"Jeanine has transformed my life. With her guidance and expertise, she opened up doors for me over and over again. Working with Jeanine helped me to break through the resistance, break through the fear, helped me to have a breakthrough in my own create something completely new. And it was miraculous. It has opened up experiences of connection with people all over the world. I have people writing to me every day, saying that the work I am doing has changed their lives...
some people have said it has saved their lives. "
– Nancy Hillis, Creator of The Artist's Journey

Jeanine Blackwell works with thousands of coaches and consultants who want to build profitable businesses by creating and launching online courses and programs. Her clients also include Fortune 500 companies all over the world. 

She is an internationally recognized expert on brain-based learning design, online marketing, and ranked as one of the Top 40 Business Coaches in the world by Warren Bennis' Leadership Excellence alongside some of the most admired business thinkers. Featured in Fast Company, Inc, and named in the Huffington Post as one of the "Top Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs," Jeanine is your go-to guide to help you create transformational content for your clients.
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You likely already know that by law we make no guarantees you will achieve any results or success based on the models, strategies, ideas, or examples shared in this book. We offer no psychological, financial, legal, or medical advice. My team and I make every effort to ensure we accurately represent our programs and their ability to grow your business and positively impact your life. However, there is no guarantee that you will get any results or earn any money using any of our methods, tools, training or advice. This is not a get-rich-sipping-daiquiris-on-the-beach kind of thing. Nothing in this book, on our sites, emails, or any other content is a promise or guarantee of earnings. Your level of success is dependent upon many factors including your experience, skill, resources, knowledge, and discipline, among other factors. Because these success factors vary greatly in individuals, we cannot and do not guarantee your results, revenue, or ability to generate success. Your success is entirely dependent on you.

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