Leverage What You Know Into a Life and Business You Love By Creating your own profitable online course

Webinar Replay: 7 Steps to Creating and Launching Your Profitable Online Course

Webinar Replay: 7 Steps to Creating and Launching Your Profitable Online Course

One online course can transform your business from hours for dollars burn-out to six-figure impact, leverage, and freedom
Why create a profitable
online course NOW?
You can move beyond the
time for money hustle.
You are ready to move from trading $ for hours to an unlimited stream of “mailbox money” (sales that arrive in your inbox while you’re creating value elsewhere in your business). Your online course can provide an “evergreen” source of revenue AND a steady stream of ideal clients into your higher-end programs and services

You can generate six figures with less traffic than you might think.
143 people a year purchasing a $697 course will deliver 6-figures in revenue. That’s less than three people a week, folks. Think about it…recently (according to Google), 8,890 people searched for “online writing course”. It can be easier than you think to find your three people a week.

You can leverage your
results exponentially.
You can leverage what you are already good at and scale your one-on-one results to group results – transforming the lives of more people in less time. You might be surprised at some of the course topics out there that are wildly successful: knitting, writing, scrapbooking, photography, blogging, cooking.  Cool, right?
You can grow your coaching 
or consulting business quickly.
Many people think they should wait to “grow a list” before they create an online course. One of the fastest ways to grow a list of followers is to offer a way for them to work with you to get results.

Why create a profitable
online course NOW?
You can move beyond the
time for money hustle.
You are ready to move from trading $ for hours to an unlimited stream of “mailbox money” (sales that arrive in your inbox while you’re creating value elsewhere in your business). Your online course can provide an “evergreen” source of revenue AND a steady stream of ideal clients into your higher-end programs and services
You can generate six figures with less traffic than you might think.
143 people a year purchasing a $697 course will deliver 6-figures in revenue. That’s less than three people a week, folks. Think about it…recently (according to Google), 8,890 people searched for “online writing course”. It can be easier than you think to find your three people a week.

You can leverage your
results exponentially.
You can leverage what you are already good at and scale your one-on-one results to group results – transforming the lives of more people in less time. You might be surprised at some of the course topics out there that are wildly successful: knitting, writing, scrapbooking, photography, blogging, cooking.  Cool, right?
You can grow your coaching 
or consulting business quickly.
Many people think they should wait to “grow a list” before they create an online course. One of the fastest ways to grow a list of followers is to offer a way for them to work with you to get results.
Hi, we are
Simple seven
Our “feel good,” “this is us in our zone” type of work is noticing what makes people great at something. Our zone of genius is helping others leverage their genius to create the results they imagine – in business and in life.
In the first year of launching this business, we started with ONE online course and generated multiple 6 figures of income. That course now generates 7 figures a year while we focus on developing other successful courses and offerings for our community. 
Hi, we are
Simple seven
Our “feel good,” “this is us in our zone” type of work is noticing what makes people great at something. Our zone of genius is helping others leverage their genius to create the results they imagine – in business and in life.
In the first year of launching this business, we started with ONE online course and generated multiple 6 figures of income. That course now generates 7 figures a year while we focus on developing other successful courses and offerings for our community. 
We are one of the few course creation companies with in-the-trenches experience 
creating online courses for Fortune 100 brands, selling our own 
online courses to corporations, and working with thousands 
of experts like you to create and launch your online courses every day. 
We have worked with many of the most recognized brands and thought leaders in the world, showing them how to create courses that get results, by incorporating marketing with brain-based learning.
We’ve also worked with thousands of experts like you to create and launch their courses in our Create 6-Figure Courses community.

We have worked with many of the most recognized brands and thought leaders in the world, showing them how to create courses that get results, by incorporating marketing with brain-based learning.
We’ve also worked with thousands of experts like you to create and launch their courses in our Create 6-Figure Courses community.

We've learned a great deal about what works and what doesn’t.
Our founder, Jeanine Blackwell's journey began with a gut feeling that there was something else she was meant to be doing. It kept at her like that nagging feeling you get when you think you left the iron on that just won’t go away until you go back and check it...twice.

She was traveling every week to consult with all kinds of diverse clients from the perfumed queendom of the Estee Lauder brands to the manly man world of Cabela’s Sporting Goods.

On the outside, it sounded glamorous. She was flying all over working with some of the best known brands in the world. People would say, “How exciting that you get to…”
Yes, the work was exciting.
But, on the inside it was soul-shattering and completely exhausting.
She had three young daughters at home.

Every week, she would get on a plane and leave them for days.

She was beyond miserable inside even though the business was “successful” on the outside.

One day, sitting in an airport ready to head to another client on-site, she looked around and decided.

She was done. Picture a flashback of the old Hertz commercials with OJ Simpson running through the airport leaping over luggage. The thought of taking a run for it crossed her mind.

It was on that trip that she decided that we had to reinvent our business. And so we did.

She never went on another “I have to do this to pay the bills” trip again. Ever.
To create a business she loved, she needed to build that business around what she wanted to get up and do every day. During a solo dinner on that trip, she sketched out a business plan on a napkin that revolved around figuring out how to generate revenue doing only what she loved. No more Hampton Inns involved.

She got home from that trip and worked like a fiend to make that plan come to life.

We created our first online course.

We launched it to our small list of 150 people.
The final night of the launch, registration was closing at midnight. We all went to sleep knowing that we already had a small group of folks joining us in the course. We were happy.

The next morning, we all rolled into the office and pulled up our inboxes to see if any more enrollments had come through overnight.

We scrolled and started to see sale after sale...

We started counting and realized we had just generated nearly six-figures of income in sixteen days—$91,000 to be exact...

Jeanine started to cry. Ugly cry.
Our business had just changed. Our lives had just changed.
That one online course became a launchpad to build our entire business model.
To create a successful online course you have to think about both marketing and content creation from the very beginning. Why?
  • There is a big difference between creating a course, and creating a course that SELLS. Successful course creators reverse engineer their course content working backwards from the results their clients want (and we can show you how to figure out what this is before you start creating).
  • Lots of courses out there are not delivering the results they promise. We like to think most course creators have good intentions to deliver results—but, because they are experts in their “thing” and not experts in how people learn they miss the mark.
  • Most courses miss the mark because they are missing one or more of the 4 critical elements that have to be included to generate results for participants.
What Successful
Online Course Creators
Do Differently
What Successful
Online Course Creators
Do Differently
They solve a very
specific problem.
They equip people
for creating results.
Instead of a course on “helping people grow their businesses online,” think about a specific focus like, “how to get 10,000 followers on Facebook.” Instead of “how to become a better knitter,” it’s “learn the best cast-on and bind-off for your lace projects.” Instead of “losing weight” it’s "controlling Type 2 diabetes with simple diet changes."

We will show you how to quickly research and identify the right problem to solve. We’ll work together to narrow your problem so you can confidently create your course.
Changing behavior isn’t easy. Telling is not training. You have to engage people, get them to stick with it and apply the behaviors consistently to get results.

We'll show you easy ways you can structure your content to make sure this happens in your course. When your students get results, they come back for more and bring friends with them.

Brain research: Courses that produce results focus students on making 1-3 behavior changes to create those results. Increase that to 4-10 changes and success drops to less than 20%. Go beyond 10 things you want them to do and it is unlikely that they will implement anything.
They solve a very
specific problem.
Instead of a course on “helping people grow their businesses online,” think about a specific focus like, “how to get 10,000 followers on Facebook.” Instead of “how to become a better knitter,” it’s “learn the best cast-on and bind-off for your lace projects.” Instead of “xx” it’s xx.

I’ll show you how to quickly research and identify the right problem to solve. We’ll work together in our live QA calls to narrow your problem so you can confidently create your course.
They equip people
for creating results.
Changing behavior isn’t easy. Telling is not training. You have to engage people, get them to stick with it and apply the behaviors consistently to get results.

I’ll show you easy ways you can structure your content to make sure this happens in your course. When your students get results, they come back for more and bring friends with them.

Brain research: Courses that produce results focus students on making 1-3 behavior changes to create those results. Increase that to 4-10 changes and success drops to less than 20%. Go beyond 10 things you want them to do and it is unlikely that they will implement anything.
They provide a system.
They focus on engagement.
Blueprint, step-by-step, game plan, framework, model. Call it what you want – it’s about helping your people go faster with a system for creating success over and over.

We'll walk you through an exercise that will help you identify your system, even if you think you don’t have one. We’ll name the system you will share in your course which will position you as the credible guide.

Brain research: People invest for speed, structure, solid results and synthesis. When you work backwards from the results you help people get, you create better learning experiences and highly successful courses.
Most online courses have way too much content crammed into way too long videos. By strategically structuring your content, you can increase your student success rate by 800%. It sounds crazy, but it’s true.

Brain research: The average course completion rate is <10%. Our courses get up to 88% of our students to the finish line (meaning they actually implement what we are sharing).
They provide a system.
Blueprint, step-by-step, game plan, framework, model. Call it what you want – it’s about helping your people go faster with a system for creating success over and over.

I’ll walk you through an exercise that will help you identify your system, even if you think you don’t have one. We’ll name the system you will share in your course which will position you as the credible guide.

Brain research: People invest for speed, structure, solid results and synthesis. When you work backwards from the results you help people get, you create better learning experiences and highly successful courses.
They focus on engagement.
Most online courses have way too much content crammed into way too long videos. By strategically structuring your content, you can increase your student success rate by 800%. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true.

Brain research: The average course completion rate is <10%. Our courses get up to 88% of our students to the finish line (meaning they actually implement what we are sharing).
This is for you if...
You feel stuck.
Your 1-on-1 practice is growing and people love you. But, you don’t have the time to serve clients and find new clients at the same time – there is only so much of you to go around. It’s overwhelming to think about how to find more clients and continue at your current pace.
You want to Create more than an online course...
you want to create an online course business
 that generates a steady stream of clients on auto-pilot. You realize a successful online course is equally focused on great content and a solid sales and marketing strategy from Day One.
You’ve been stuck trying to figure out what to offer
first to grow your business and your following.
You need a first offer that can attract paying clients, fill your higher level coaching or consulting offers, and grow your list. You tried to put your expertise into a product but got stuck figuring out what to include and what not to include.
You want freedom.
Whether you are escaping a 9-5 or you are over-booked with one-to-one clients, you want a business that works for you 24/7 and delivers the freedom you crave. You’re ready to create the life of freedom you imagined and you need a predictable stream of income that you can count on as you grow your business.
You are Ready!
You’re ready to (finally) create a real business that works for you. You’ve taken classes, tried different strategies and consumed lots of webinars, e-books, and other theory. This is the year you are ready to get a real product launched.
Create 6-Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp
a 7-week virtual bootcamp to create your transformational online course
The Virtual Bootcamp is offered in 7 learning modules. Each module, released weekly over 7 weeks, includes video, downloadable tools, skill-building exercises, and the opportunity to apply the content immediately to the course you are designing.
You'll be experiencing engaging online learning as you learn to design your own course.
7 Video Modules
Course Launch Kit
Downloadable Tools
& Templates
Tech Guide to Get Your Course Up and Selling + The Launch Planning Templates
Lifetime Access to the Program Material and
Private Facebook Forum
Module 1: KNOW You are Building the Right Course for The Right Audience...Before You Start
In this module, we will work through how you confidently decide on the right course idea for the right audience, before you even begin creating your course.

We’ll work through a series of exercises to brainstorm your idea and narrow in on the right audience so that you can solve the right problem that they will happily invest in to solve.
Highlight Reel:
  • How to use all your past experiences, knowledge, passions, and talents to define a unique point of difference in the market
  • How to narrow your audience so that your marketing and course stand out
  • How to choose the right problem to solve
  • How to determine your focus so that you are not overwhelmed with too many ideas and too much content to organize
  • The 5 ways to test your idea and refine as needed without having to do endless surveys or spend a ton of time interviewing potential students
  • How to be SURE your idea is a blockbuster now, BEFORE you launch – avoid the painful and frustrating “crickets” phenomenon (when you launch to total silence and no sales)
The Sweet Spot Exercise
The 4 P's Transformation Statement Worksheet
How to Narrow Your Problem and Audience Worksheet
5 Ways to Test the Sellability of Your Course Idea Toolkit
Module 2: Choose the Right Pricing and Business Model to Build The Business and Life You Imagine
Next, we’re going to work backwards from your revenue goal and develop a pricing and business model that will help you reach that goal. I’ll show you how creating your online course can enable you to offer multiple offers with one piece of content. One higher ticket offer added on to your online course can easily double your revenue with the same amount of students.
Highlight Reel:
  • The 2 shifts you can make in how you think about pricing that will enable you to easily and comfortably charge what your worth while still making your support available in a budget-friendly way
  • Create your 12-month revenue plan for your course using the Earnings Planner tool
  • How to choose right next-level offers that can easily double the revenue from your online course without more students
  • Use the The 3 C’s Pricing Guide to quickly choose your course price point and decide what you need to include to make it an easy “YES” for your audience
Pricing and Earnings Planner
The 3 C’s Pricing Guide
Module 3: How to Quickly Outline Your Course... Without Getting Lost in the Weeds
I’m going to show you the step-by-step way that I have outlined all of my multi-6 and 7-figure courses. More importantly, this is the exact process I use when I work side-by-side with clients who have also launched and generated huge successes with their courses.
You have a way that you get results. Maybe, you achieved those results in your own life and now want to show others how to do this. Or, maybe you have helped clients in your one-to-one work and want to help more people. Either way, the first step in creating your online course is to define your process.

We're going to walk you through how to do this, as if we were sitting side-by-side in my office. You’ll use the video training and tools shared with you to quickly create your outline.  Then, you can post your work in the Facebook forum to get feedback.
Highlight Reel:
  • How to work backwards from the desired result of your course
  • How to get clear on your student’s “gap” between their current reality and where they want to be so that you can decide how your course can bridge that gap
  • How your step-by-step method (that we’ll define together) can quickly become the outline for your entire course
  • What to do if you sense you have more content than can fit into one course
The "Downloading Your Brilliance" Tool
The Step-by-Step Guide to Defining Your Method Guide
Module 4: How to Get Your Complete Course Content Storyboard Finished FAST
With over 20 years experience as brain-based learning experts, we could happily walk you through all the brain research around what it takes to create stand-out learning experiences. Don’t worry, we won’t be doing that.

Instead, you will learn a simple process for deciding how to share your content and bring it to life.  Your students are going to love this. Bonus: All the content you create will be focused on getting them results fast.

We will be using our “Course Content Storyboard” method. It’s a powerful visual planning tool to easily decide on what to include in each module of your course. By following the structure, you’ll make sure all of your students with different learning preferences will get what they need to succeed.

Whether you have never created a course or have been running your own courses for years, there are 4 absolutely critical elements to include in your course. We'll show you how to include these and give you an inventory of activity ideas to inspire you.
Highlight Reel:
  • Why “less is more” and how you can pare down your content to the essential to get the best learning results
  • How to decide what is “nice to have” content and “need to have” content
  • The four activities you need to include in each lesson to get results
  • Inventory of activities that you can easily plug into your Course Content Storyboard to move beyond the typical passive learning experience that most online courses offer
  • How to engage your students including simple ways to “gamify” your content and get them to the finish line
Course Content Storyboard Visual Planning System
Printable Poster-Sized Course Content Storyboard
Examples of Completed Course Content Storyboards
List of Activity Ideas to Engage Your Students
The Learning "Stretches" Tool
Module  5: How to Easily Create and Record Your Content
Love recording? Dread recording? No matter what camp you are in, we are going to choose the best recording strategy for you and make this easy. You might be surprised to know that most of the experts launch courses without “face” video. Instead of filming themselves talking on video, they simply record their voice while sharing visuals on their screen. 
Highlight Reel:
  • The different ways to record your course and how to decide which one is right for you
  • How to be a compelling and engaging teacher versus simply recording information about what you know
  • How to take your audience on their “Hero’s Journey” (and why this is so critical to their success)
  • Planning templates for scripting and recording screencasts and audio (so that your audience stays engaged)
  • How to avoid “Death by PowerPoint” — the biggest mistakes in creating slides and a cheat sheet for making yours look professional and compelling
  • Sourcing free tools and outsourcing what you need without breaking the bank — free tools, images and other cool things you can use to amp up your course design
Video Planning Template
5 Ways to Make Your PowerPoints Awesome
The Course Hacks Cheat Sheet
Video, Lighting, and Audio Resource Kit
Sourcing Amazing Free Stock Photography
Module 6: Get Your Course Up and Ready to Sell: The Techie Stuff Made Easy
You now have your course content underway and you’re ready to decide how you want to deliver it to your students. We'll show you how you can load your content into a course hosting platform which already has all the tech stuff handled including delivering your video, downloads and even live calls or webinars (if you decide to add this into your content mix).

Here’s what we want you to know: If you can save a file on your computer, you have the tech skills to load all your content into your own branded portal in an afternoon.

We'll share which platforms we recommend and how you can choose what’s right for you. Plus, we'll share 2-months free access to a learning platform.
Highlight Reel:
  • A complete Tech Guide to show you how to get EVERYTHING up and running smoothly without having to hire tech help or spending days trying to figure out techie stuff
  • Affordable, simple, “low-tech” strategies to deliver your course if you aren’t a techie and want to start by enrolling a small group of students
  • How to take your audience on their “Hero’s Journey” (and why this is so critical to their success)
  • How to choose the right course hosting platform for you using our at-a-glance, comprehensive comparison guide of all the major course hosting providers
  • Use the Tech Guide to Getting Your Course Up and Selling to get your course ready to launch
Course Hosting Platform Guide
Webinar Hosting Comparison Guide
Email Service Provider Comparison Guide
Our Top Recommended Tools Cheat Sheet
Wordpress Plugin Guide
Your Launch Funnel Map
The Tech Guide to Getting Your Course Up and Selling
Affiliate Platform Comparison Guide
Module 7: Your Traffic and Launch Planning Toolkit
There are two ways that you can launch your course. You can start with the low tech strategy and focus on quickly enrolling a small group of students into your first “beta” course. If you are ready for a bigger launch, we'll show you how to put together the tech pieces to reach a bigger audience and fill your program
Highlight Reel:
  • Our recommended time-saving step-by-step checklist for getting your course launched
  • The 3 web pages you need to design to launch your course (most course creators make this WAY too complicated – it doesn’t need to be overwhelming)
  • How to launch again and again without tons of stress (leveraging the work you’ve already done) – improving your results each time
  • Which results you want to measure (and how to measure them) – you’ll use these later to enroll affiliates to help you promote
  • A visual way to plan and manage your launch
  • How to know when you should launch and how much time you need to prepare
  • Easy, do-it-yourself web page creation resources
  • Comprehensive promotional plan for social media and email to warm up your existing followers and/or generate interest from new followers before you launch
Formula for Sales Page Copy Creation
The Simplest Way to Launch Your Course
Email Schedule for Your Launch
Your Launch Checklist
Affiliate Email Examples
Facebook Community
What if I don’t have a list?
What if I’m not sure about my idea? 
What if I don’t have any actual clients?
Many of our members are in the same boat and have quickly gone on to create highly successful courses. Here’s what we will cover to help you move forward fast:
Not sure about your idea?
Sweet Spot Exercise
We will uncover your unique point of difference so that you can stand out even in a crowded market or one filled with free content.
Need to generate cash-flow fast with low-tech launch?
30-Day Course-to-Cash Plan Bonus
Many of our members use this system to focus on filling a smaller “beta” run of their course with a goal of 5-10 students in your first run. It’s an easy, low tech way to launch leveraging existing connections and free traffic.
Here is where another question will be going?
Identify, Name and Claim Your Unique Method for Getting Results
I’ll show you how to identify your method, so you can clearly teach it to others. It’s one of the first things we’ll do to frame up your course outline.
Insert your what if question here?
Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader in Your Space
Many of our members confess to not feeling “expert enough” when they begin this process. Once they serve their students they realize they have a great deal of value to add. Your students are looking for a guide that is simply a few steps further down the path than they are.
Have you been thinking about creating your own online course FOREVER?
Have you been waiting to create a following or finish a book or build your website?
We’ve come to believe that procrastination is perfection in disguise.

Here’s the thing: you don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect (including your course) to make a big impact and create momentum in your business.

Have you been thinking about creating your own online course FOREVER?
Have you been waiting to create a following or finish a book or build your website?
I’ve come to believe that procrastination is perfection in disguise.

Here’s the thing: you don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect (including your course) to make a big impact and create momentum in your business.
When You Join Now
2-for-1 for 2025:  When you enroll in the Bootcamp, we’ll add our Planning for Profits program ($597 value) into your learning portal for FREE. 
Value: $597
Imagine having your whole year planned out day by day setting you up to hit your 2025 revenue goal. 

In Planning for Profits, we’ll walk through the ‘behind the scenes’ for how to plan and run a 6 or 7-figure online course business. 

You’ll dive into 4 video training modules, download all your planning templates, worksheets, tools and more and get your whole 2025 plan ready to find your people and hit your revenue goals. 

We typically open this program only 1x a year for $597. We're sending this gift your way because making this simple is how you are going to create massive success. 

In Planning for Profits, you will grow your list and build your course at the same time. 

We will walk through:
  • Module 1: The Planning for Profit System - How to Shift Your Thinking to Create the Business and Life You Imagine
  • In this module, we'll share the secret to shifting your mindset into high leverage mode to create the business you imagine filled with flexibility, fun, and freedom.
  • Module #2: Building Your Plan – How to Set Your Revenue Goal and Create a 12-Month Plan to Achieve It
  • In this session we’ll show you what a year-long content creation and promotional plan looks like and how you can build yours fast. 
  • We’ll walk through a real-life example of how you can create an offer and the detailed steps to get from idea to completion, including an example of how you can make money before you’re even done.
  • Module 3: Get Clear on Every Step That Needs to Be Accomplished to Implement Your Plan
  • This is the step 99% of coaches, consultants, and experts miss, and this is why they constantly get stuck in the stop/start cycle of never getting any of their big ideas to the finish line.
  • We are going to cover the steps involved in the 4 critical priorities that you need to focus on to be able to create your course AND grow your list at the same time. 
  • Module 4: Create Promotional Content One Time and Create Revenue Forever 
  • In this module, we'll explore how to use templates for creating a new offer (this will save you months of content creation time, and you can start generating sales before you finish the offer), building proposals, and getting your content done so you can launch fast.
Bonus #1: For the First 25 to Join in: The Course Creation Lab, a One-Day
Live Event Just Outside of New Orleans
COVID-19 Update: We will be leading the next session virtually.
Value: $997
The Course Creation Lab is a LIVE one-day event held right outside of New Orleans, Louisiana for Create 6-Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp community members. 

Because of COVID-19, we will be leading the next session virtually. 

In this updated format for the Course Creation Lab, we will be working through the process just as we would if we were in the room together. You will have time to apply what you are learning and work on your own Content Storyboard. Plus, our faculty will be giving feedback throughout the day.

We are hosting this retreat so you can see how quickly you can get your course up and selling. (And, it is inspiring to me, my team, and to our whole community to see you and other members having a quick win.)
I'm looking forward to collaborating with you!
Bonus #2 – Two Months FREE Access to TWO Leading Online Course Platforms
Value: $1000
You won’t have to hire an expensive web developer or spend hours trying to figure out techie stuff to get your course up and running. You can quickly and easily load your content into your own branded course portal.
Bonus #3 – 30-Day Course-to-Cash Training
Value: $397
This is our low-tech, fastest way to launch your course without a list, webinar, or sales funnel. This is for you if you want to generate revenue quickly with a small launch that can later fund paid traffic for a bigger launch.
Bonus #4 Mega Bonus: Webinar Scripting and Production Kit
Value: $2,000
One perfectly-crafted webinar is all you need to create a powerful experience of your teaching that leads your ideal students directly into your online course. If you would have told me that one webinar (our first) would generate 7-figures per year in revenue in my business, we would never have believed it.

We'll show you exactly how to craft your webinar, including:
  • The ideal timing (how long your webinar should be and when you should include information about your program)
  • How to decide what content to include in the webinar and what to leave out so you don’t give too much away and overwhelm your audience
  • How to transition from teaching to selling your course...there’s one power phrase you can use in the beginning of your webinar that will make this smooth and easy
  • How to structure your slides (including how many to include so people don’t get bored)
Your Webinar Scripting Outline
Webinar Production Checklist so you know you are ready to go 
Virtual Assistant Checklist – a production checklist you can hand your virtual assistant (or friend) to help you when delivering a live webinar
Bonus #5 – Customizable Slide Decks, Workbook Templates
and Tools Templates
Value: $2,000
This is a BIG One.
You can easily add your content and have beautiful workbooks and slide templates to share
with your students without having to hire a designer or spend time learning design tools.
We are in the business of creating courses that create results. If for any reason you are not thrilled with the content and the potential impact it will have in your business, we will refund your tuition 100% within the first 30 days. No hoops. Just send us an email.

Is there a persistent, deep feeling that there is more for
you and your business —a longing to do what is next?
Creating a course that expands your ability to serve is the fastest way to create the space to expand to what is next for you.

Fast forward one year from now-what is going to be different?

Creating an amazing course will take you and your business to the next level.
One payment of $1497
One payment of $997
Five monthly payments of $397
Three monthly payments of $397
  100 % Safe and Secure Checkout.
Payment processed through secure gateway networks.

An Important Note About Our Founder, Jeanine

In late 2021, Jeanine passed away from advanced-stage breast cancer. Her entire life was dedicated to helping those around her, including you, tap into your genius and share what only you could share with the world. Our team, who have been with Jeanine since the founding of this business, feel so fortunate to be able to continue this work in her memory. 

We have lowered the price of the Bootcamp to encourage each and every one of you to jump into what’s next and start crafting your course. Jeanine’s first course changed her life, and so many of our community members point to creating their first courses as “the moment” when their lives and businesses began to change.

In addition to lowering the investment, our team is allocating a portion of the proceeds from all Bootcamp program sales to scholarships set up in Jeanine’s honor to aid in continued cancer research and to support others with financial needs that coincide with cancer treatment.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team (info@simpleseven.com). 
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This is not a get-rich-quick with a daiquiri-on-the-beach kind of thing. Let’s be real. It takes a bit of effort and focus to achieve the kind of results you want to achieve. But, you’re already putting in the effort, right? I’m here to help you focus on creating something that will work for you forever and create a steady stream of clients. We do not believe in get rich quick schemes, but we do believe in hard, smart work. As such, we do not make any guarantees about your success or income level. Any testimonials, results or other references to revenue generated through the systems taught in this program are not typical of average results. The results you get are entirely dependent on your personal efforts, your experience, resources and other factors.
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